
Liberating Data from Microsoft Access Databases

Use the mdbtools library. On Ubuntu / Debian you can install this via:

$ apt-get install mdbtools

It is also available via Homebrew on the Mac:

$ brew install mdbtools

Key functions:

  • Get an SQL schema
$ mdb-schema {database-name}
  • Get a list of the table names
$ mdb-tables {database-name}
  • Export a table as a CSV file
$ mdb-export {databbase-name} {table-name}

Here’s an example script to extract all of the data from the Access database into CSV files:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys, subprocess

# Get database name from arguments passed to the script
# Alternative you could set explicitly e.g. `DATABASE = 'my-access-db.mdb'`

DATABASE = sys.argv[1]

# Get table names using mdb-tables
table_names = subprocess.Popen(['mdb-tables', '-1', DATABASE], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
tables = table_names.split('\n')

# Walk through each table and dump as CSV file using 'mdb-export'
# Replace ' ' in table names with '_' when generating CSV filename
for table in tables:
    if table != '':
        filename = table.replace(' ','_') + '.csv'
        print('Exporting ' + table)
        with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
            subprocess.check_call(['mdb-export', DATABASE, table], stdout=f)

If you save this script as, you can use it as follows::

$ python {path-to-access-database}

CSV files will be written to the current directory.