Add a project
Criteria for listing a project on Labs:
- Fit with the set of general Labs community principles. These aren’t super strict but we suggest you read these through and consider whether your project fits (or what you could change to make it fit)
- You are an “Official Contributor” - to list a project as a Labs project you need to be an Official Contributor. We do make exceptions so if you think your project is super-deserving of this privilege you can get in touch – or even just submit the pull request and we can discuss there
Steps to add a project
To add a project, you should have signed up as a labs member. We also strongly recommend joining the mailing list and following Labs on twitter.
Then, two small additions need to be made to the Labs Github repository (thereby to this website). This can be done in one of two ways:
- the geek route
- the non-geek route
Geek Route
Fork this site’s repository
Create a file at this location
_projects/{PROJECT NAME}.html
with a suitable URL-friently name, e.g. if your project were called “Awesome Data Visualizer”, you could create_projects/awesome-data-visualizer.html
To the file add a project title and a general description. Here’s what it should look like:
--- title: {the project title e.g. Awesome Data Visualizer} [REQUIRED] --- A brief description of the project. You can use html (or markdown - if markdown please make sure the file you create to hold the info (see below) uses .md extension rather than .html)! Things to include are: - What is it - Who is it for? - What problem does it solve? - How someone could contribute
Here’s an example:
--- title: Kartograph --- Kartograph is a simple and lightweight framework for building interactive map applications without Google Maps or any other mapping service. It was created with the needs of designers and data journalists in mind.
Add a new row to the _data/projects.csv CSV file, right below the header line. Edit the row to include various pieces of information about your project. If you look at the information provided for other projects this should guide you on how to add yours. The “title” field is required. All others are optional but you should fill as many as are relevant. Here’s an overview of some of the CSV file fields:
CSV field Description title [REQUIRED]
The title field should exactly match the title speficied in the file created in step 2
URL of an external project webpage e.g.
Comma-separated list of relevant tags e.g. [django, google spreadsheets]
One-liner description of project
Author(s) name(s) e.g. Joe Bloggs
Comma-separated list of labs username(s) of those who maintain the project
Comma-separated list of labs username(s) of those who contribute to the project
The github repo name e.g. awesome-data-visualizer
The github user who owns the repository e.g. okfn
List of languages the project uses e.g. [python, javascript]
List from the following project types: [library, data, webapp, running service, tool]
Save your changes, commit and push to your fork
Submit a pull request
Non-geek Route
Sent an email to us at [email protected], with the as much of the following information as is available:
- The title of the project
- A link to the project
- A link to the git repository
- The git repository owner (e.g. github username)
- The author(s) and contributor(s) name(s)
- The maintainer(s) name(s)
- The languages used by the project (e.g. python, javascript)
Get Involved
Join our discussion list. Here, we exchange datasets and ideas and plan our projects.
Many of us also hang out and chat on Gitter:
Get Hacking
Check out the projects list or the ideas page. Contribute and earn a badge!