by Open Knowledge Foundation

The Open Economics Working Group is run by the Open Knowledge Foundation in association with the Centre for Intellectual and Property Law (CIPIL) at the University of Cambridge. Its membership consists of leading academics and researchers, public and private sector economists, representatives from national and international public bodies and other experts from around the world. We want economics to be built on sound, transparent foundations, wherever possible. In particular, it is important that the data and associated analysis (particularly as represented in runnable code) be openly available to all members of society — not just other economists.

This working group therefore exists to:

  • Act as a central point of reference and support for those interested in open economic data: that is, economic data which can be freely used, reused, and redistributed for any purpose (
  • Identify best practice as well as legal, regulatory and technical standards for open economic data.
  • Act as a hub for the development and maintenance of low-cost, community driven projects related to open material in economics.