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As a member, your contributions will, in part, be recognized via a badge displayed next your username. Badges which are issued for ongoing roles are orange, while those issued for one-off contributions are green. Currently, we are issuing the following badges:
This member currently acts as a "lead". More information about this role can be found here.
This member is recognized for acting as "contributor" on one or more Labs projects.
This member helps administer the backend services and resources powering Labs projects.
This member edits the Open Knowledge Labs Data Wrangling Blog.
This member is recognized for having run at least one Open Data Maker Night.
This member is recognized for having attended at least one Open Data Maker Night.
This member is recognized for having contributed to the newsletter.
This member has written a blog post for the Open Knowledge Labs Data Wrangling Blog.
This member is recognized for having contributed a fix to the Labs website
This member contributed to a discussion either on the forums or on the mailing list.
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Check out the projects list or the ideas page. Contribute and earn a badge!